Featured in the SantaFean for Our Minimalist Design and Craftsmanship
Read our feature in the SantaFean Dec. 2018 – Jan. 2019 edition:
Here’s an excerpt of the story written by Amy Gross:
Though he declined to attend the Santa Fe Parade of Homes awards gala last August, Stelio Kitrilakis told the team that designed and built this house to text him if they won anything. Being in the film industry, Kitrilakis knows a thing or two about awards ceremonies, including how even the best pictures are sometimes snubbed. In this case, he needn’t have worried.
“We were sort of crossing our fingers that we wouldn’t embarrass Stelio by showing up and not getting anything,” laughs Mark Giorgetti, founder and principal of Palo Santo Designs. “But it was text after text after text.”