2024: Palo Santo Designs’ home build project, ‘Far Niente’ was featured in Su Casa Magazine’s Autumn Issue. Check out the Autumn Season Issue (The Far Niente feature starts on page 64) HERE or read the blog on Far Niente HERE.
2024: Palo Santo Designs’ Leslie Giorgetti was featured on Build Together: Santa Fe Area Homebuilders Assoc. Radio Hour discussing he importance of understanding local markets and challenges and opportunities to creating sustainable, community-oriented developments. Listen the to replay HERE.
2023: Palo Santo Designs was featured in press such as Home, the monthly home and real estate magazine put out by the New Mexican. Read the article HERE.
2021: Palo Santo designs was featured in the National Association of Home Builders annual Virtual Green Home Tour with The Modern Farmhouse. Watch the Youtube video HERE.
2021: Palo Santo Designs was featured in Su Casa Magazine with The Green Farmhouse
2021: Palo Santo Designs was featured in BuildwithRise.com with “A minimalist farmhouse in Santa Fe goes deep green with Net Zero Energy and LEED.”
2020: Palo Santo Designs was named the Best Contemporary Home Builder in New Mexico by Home Builder Digest.
2013: Santa Fe New Mexican, “Indoor Air Quality Is a Priority”
2013: Santa Fe New Mexican, “Are Green Building Attributes Properly Valued?”
2012: Su Casa, “Badge of Honor”